The Task (film)

The Task is a 2011 British horror film inspired by MTVs Fear, directed by Alex Orwell, written by Kenny Yakkel, produced by Christopher Milburn and Courtney Solomon, starring Alexandra Staden, Victor McGuire and Adam Rayner. The film is produced by After Dark Originals and was released by Lions Gate Entertainment onJanuary 2011.

The contestants find their way to the Wardens office, where they unlock themselves. Soon after, a TV monitor turns on, revealing an evil clown who warns the contestants of the Warden Valentin Ganev who used to work at the prison, before being sentenced to death for murdering inmates. Randall is set a task to travel to the chapel of the prison. With a microphone to communicate with the others, Randall ventures to the chapel and reads a prayer backwards to summon the spirit of the Warden. After completing his task, Randall returns to the others. Outside, the shows team, including Connie Alexandra Staden, Sclezi Sam Stockman, Big Daddy Victor McGuire and Snow Sean Mcconaghy begin to lose connection to some of the cameras inside the prison. Sclezi is sent in to fix them, however, he is stabbed in the eye by the Warden.Dixon is set a task, to remain lying in a hole in the ground. Once he is inside the hole, the Warden arrives and locks him in. Connie, Big Daddy and Snow see this, but believe the network had twisted the show to also make them contestants. They let the game continue. Shoe and Randall are set a challenge to eat a meat believed to be human flesh, which they complete. Toni and Stanton are sent to the gas chamber for their task. Stanton locks Toni in a chair in the gas chamber, and puts a gas mask on her. As the chamber fills with gas, Stanton is instructed to find the switch to stop the gas somewhere in the prison. When he leaves, the Warden appears in the chamber and removes Tonis mask. While Randall and Shoe make their way back to base, they come across the Warden, who stabs them to death. As Stanton turns off the gas, the Warden knocks him unconscious. ........

Source: Wikipedia